Sunday, January 17, 2010

Toy Pushchairs I Am Looking For A Toy For The Pushchair?

I am looking for a toy for the pushchair? - toy pushchairs

Can anyone recommend a toy pram has no banner hanging, something that one of some type of phone that is attached to the sides?
What is your attitude little fun while in the stroller?
My son is 17 weeks if nothing has progressed too far.



Baby Berry mad for mummy juice said...

You can Bows toys on the sides, I have a scout around and send it set a link. ...

Here, my son has something TAF toy that attaches to the back of the car and hang on your car seat to play with it - its great - but there are many similar products on eBay and re-used, depending on your preferences and budget - only for " Car Toys arch "

Good luck.

Bee ~Brit Mum~ said...

Hey. I bought a toy bar to me, that was nice cut, but it is absolutely rubbish, do not remain in nothing. I think these things are better - but try to ask his first chair in the store to verify that is good and - if a good one, so I think these things are great. What I was at the end of the process of getting two small toys (a giraffe and teddy bears are made elephand that a funny noise when he was shot) with brackets at the end and loop around the stroller straps so he sat on his lap. I sometimes other small toys clip hanging from the hood to time when you can sell a large bell in them to do! If the bars are near the place where they can then also you can get one of these toys crib spiral and wind around the bar.

♥ Mama to Michael bean ♥ said...

I have a small bow baby love my son when he less than six months ... and if there is more than 6 months, I have this bow in her stroller http:// / Happy Safari-S ...

The first one is nice because it plays music and has a mirror, and the second is nice because it interactive toys, like Spinner has.

Mike&Bek... said...

For our little girl with a bow of toys that about 15 books she has loved for about 6 months. then perhaps your son spend a lot of WOT.

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