Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Follicular Lymphoma Pictures My Brother Has Stage IV Follicular Lymphoma, And Needs Some Good News. Please Help.?

My brother has Stage IV Follicular Lymphoma, and needs some good news. Please help.? - follicular lymphoma pictures

My 44-year-old brother had been carried out in follicular lymphoma chemotherapy for four months. You ( "hacking") treatments for three consecutive days every three weeks. It has two regular cycles and ends still say that you "maintenance required" (type of treatment one day per week for four weeks) every six months indefinitely. Although the doctors said the treatment had the desired effect is to tell no one about my brother, gives him a sense of hope. He is concerned particularly concerned about the status of your bone marrow, although I understand it better. Is there anyone out there - perhaps a fellow non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients or health professionals - who can give me some words of encouragement come forward? Thank you.


Problem Child said...

Was I was diagnosed with stage 4 follicular non-Hodgkin's in 2006, is January, almost two years and I'm good. This type of lymphoma is slow growing up and has many treatment options. I assume that maintenance Rituxan. It is the norm. I will attempt a transplant of stem cells to early at all to buy a long-term remission. Should be asked for it and whether it is suitable for him. You should also seek treatment in a cancer center and the right to a clinical trial in force. You do not know where you live, but somewhere, like Sloan Kettering, MD Anderson, Cleveland Clinic, etc. is discussed in Sloan Kettering.
Your brother needs to know is incurable, though treatable. You must live your life and not allow the cancer of life.
I had almost a year, chemotherapy, and went to nursing school during the entire process. I'm going this spring with my university degree, then go to stem cell transplantation.
I suggest looking into the company of leukemia or lymphoma Lymphoma Research Foundation. The LRF (lymphoma.org) has a major program of mutual assistance. Log on to your website and your mindsomeone Clock (if you wish), that by what had happened. As a sort of "godfather" or friend. They offer advice, moral support or just a kind ear. Its worth it.

Education is the best. The more you know, the more understanding and able to participate in their treatment and their sense of security.
It is a difficult road, but doable. I am living proof. Your life will never be the same, but may be normal.
Check out the two companies. They have a variety of information, links, financial aid, etc.
Leukemia Lymphoma Society also has a search engine for the local chapter of the local self-help, or at your local hospital. Support groups help a lot.
Good luck ...

connie l said...

Once the diagnosis of cancer, you can not walk away from this test very carefully at each take.He theyre to stay, you need a consolidation chemotherapy as a maintenance dose and it is sad to say, there's always the possibility of return and future.I think in view of stem cell transplantation, it is the kind of help you feel closer to God than hell and strength help to spend it all useful, and even the American Cancer Society Company Information on support groups. The always good to include support groups that Hell additional information and advice, has to fight against the cancer that you

midnight... said...

I do not know much about his cancer, leukemia and white, must understand something of the feeling.

The only hope I can give is that there is hope in prayer or meditation or positive thinking or any other form of exercise "spiritual beleifs.

I was in ICU for 2.5 weeks, my records at a time when I told my family that they needed to prepare for the death of the postal system. They sat in the waiting room with several other families, and prayed. The next day I began to improve. Im here, I do not naturally go.

I hope that everything goes well.

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